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Anna Erickson's Blog

Bell Moore Group Inc. Review: Modern Malls and its Counterparts

Malls are one of the feasible places to market any product or services because it is full of people spending time leisurely shopping and looking for interesting stuff to buy. No wonder why many business-minded people are starting to invest in modern malls.


Malls provide diverse retail centers, offering consumers the ability to complete multipurpose shopping trips. The presence of almost everything under one roof keeps drawing us to malls, because apart from shopping, it also holds different types of attractions that will surely enjoy by everyone. With the presence of food courts, gaming arena, movie theaters and salons, malls have become a popular place for everyone to hang out.


Despite the popularity of online shopping in today’s increasingly digital world, we still cannot bring ourselves to completely rely on online shopping as we still crave the presence of traditional malls where we can shop on the spot. Going to the mall means examining what you want to buy up close and then buying it when you are satisfied and that it fulfills your requirements. As much as we enjoy the convenience of shopping from the comfort of our couch, the experience of shopping at a mall or store is still too enjoyable to let go of. People still crave a social place to congregate, connect and engage.


Malls are still an essential venue for consumers to purchase goods despite the expansion of online shopping alternatives. Bellmoore Group Inc review and locate property lease space for retailers who want to maximize their business’s potential income generation. Bell Moore aims to help developers in filling vacant lease spaces to improve the retail offering at malls and to ensure consumers that they get there all needs under one roof.

TCG Tokyo Consulting Group Japan: Human Resources

Visa In Japan 惻Human Resources In Japan


"Work Permit" in Japan


In order to engage in business activities, both employers and employees are required certain statuses of residence. Aside from Permanent/Long-term residents, their spouses and their children, applicable statuses are as follows:



The statuses that would be applicable to business in Japan would be the 10 first statuses listed above. A set of documents certifying your claims must be submitted to apply for a Certificate of Eligibility. Application forms and certifying documents vary from person to person according to their case.


When applying for a Status of Residence, do note that the status must match the content of the work. If not, applicants should consider applying for the Shikaku-gai Katsudo permit. This allows the applicant to engage in activity other than that permitted under the status of residence previously granted. The permit costs JPY 30 000.


Highly Skilled Professional Residence Status


If the applicant is eligible for a Highly Skilled Professional residence status, they can receive special immigration treatment, including:


1.Permission for multiple purposes of activities


2.years grant of period of stay


3.Eased requirements on permanent residence


4.Preferential processing of immigration procedures


5.Work permission for spouse


6.Accompanying of parents (if conditions are met)


7.Accompanying of domestic workers (if conditions are met)


Three kinds of Highly Skilled Professional residence statuses are Advanced Special/Technical Activities, Advanced Academic Research Activities, and Advanced Business Management Activities.


Requirements to be fulfilled by the applicant are as follows:


1.The applicant must be eligible for one of the statuses of residence listed below:Investor/Business manager, Instructor, Engineer, Specialist in Humanities/International Services, Intra-company Transferee, Legal/Accounting, Medical Services, Researcher, Entertainer or Skilled Labor


2.The intended activities of the applicant must fall into one of the categories listed as Highly Skilled Professionals.


3.The intended activities and background of the applicant must mark higher than 70 points based on the criteria set for each status. The applicant will be assessed by academic background, experience, annual salary and other specific terms according to the three categories.


The applicant has to satisfy all of the requirements above to be registered as a Highly Skilled Professional.


Management Jobs


One of the main issues that companies face in their organizational development is recruitment and education of new employees. Personnel teaching strategies, such as on-the-job training and business manner education, can be achieved through thorough knowledge and accumulated experience of Human Resources Management. Tokyo Consulting Group, as a well-known recruitment agency in Japan, provides original training services that aim to create professional leaders and capable managers - thus providing the necessary human resources services in Japan for prospective businesses.


At Tokyo Consulting Group, our philosophy is that the growth of employees is the corporate growth. In offering human resources management in Japan, we provide not just advice, but constant support to be put into practice daily.


Recruitment Regulations


Recruitment regulations differ for every country. Based on our customers' management philosophy and vision, Tokyo Consulting Group seeks the most effective and controllable way for the organization to achieve its goals. Ability to follow recruitment regulations reflects the company's reliability when hiring employees, which in turn affects the quality of human resources.


Even in the middle of the development phase, reviews of recruitment regulations have a positive impact on customers' needs for human resources services in Japan. As the number of employees increases, the business scale grows, so setting ideal and balanced working hours and salaries become increasingly important for the future growth of the company.


At Tokyo Consulting Group, we believe that a proper employment agreement, in accordance with the culture and regulations of a company, is significant to minimize future conflicts between employers and employees. If both parties are considered fairly, the mutual agreement between employers and employees leads to satisfaction on both sides, consequently strengthening the organizational capacity of the company. It is therefore an integral part of our philosophy to strive to provide excellent human resources management services to our customers in Japan.

IBS Consultants Corporate Legal: An Insight on Starting a Start-up


Technology has bridged nations, with processes becoming transparent and competitive the world over. Countries, in a bid to attract investments, are trying to push up the ranking scale in ease of doing business. In this global backdrop, Start-ups have new opportunities to move beyond their own home country to set up place of establishments or plan their operational expansions.


It is necessary that the start-ups, before planning to expand their business beyond homeland, have acquired all the necessary characteristics and fundamentals of the company. The requirements should be checked with close and keen attention, because the fulfilment of these requirements decides the future of the business in the market. In order to satisfy the business wants, start-ups should be in contact with an expert who can guide it through the best solutions to meet the demands. Considering such cases, IBS Singapore makes the best choice for business start-ups to opt for. IBS Singapore guarantees diverse services ranging from Business structuring and incorporation services, to registration services in Singapore. IBS Consultants Corporate Legal Singapore also extends solutions in regards to financial reporting services in Singapore and financial accounting services in Singapore. This makes IBS Singapore, the ultimate guide for the start-ups to choose while planning to expand business overseas.


In this edition, we will discuss how Start-ups can review and choose their place of business or international expansion, based on the economic and political environment in different areas/countries that align with their own strategy.


Key Factors


There are myriad factors to be taken into account before zeroing on the place of incorporation or expansion. Further, the decision should also provide for allowances to the changing laws and treaties. For instance, the new Mauritius – India DTAA has put new things into perspective while structuring the company. And there are other factors like the political stability and cultural preferences that come into play. Some key decisive factors include:




-Company Structure


-Available funding opportunities


-Costs of setting up and maintaining the company


-Resources – including Labour


-DTAA/other country specific treaties and pacts


-Access to markets




-Political stability


-Quality of life


Popular Start up hubs/Jurisdictions


1.Dubai, UAE has emerged as a leading commercial hub with state of art Infrastructure. Dubai is strategically located midway between the east and west, providing excellent base for commercial operations. The place offers a promising market for overseas companies in a wide range of sectors. One of the key factors that make Dubai attractive is the absence of corporate income tax. There are no barriers for movement of foreign exchange. The energy costs are competitive and there is plenty availability of skilled force. However, the lack of democratic set up, judiciary and law enforcement is a major drawback that keeps investors away.


2.Singapore has been touted as the no. 1 place in the world in ease of doing business.  With its fascinating lifestyle and comfortable diverse culture, Singapore has a lot to offer to the international business community. Singapore is rated #1 as the most politically stable country in Asia. Its strategic location too, makes it the perfect hub to gain access to the South East Asian markets. Without a setup in Singapore, it would be impossible to break into markets such as Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, and the Philippines, as language barriers are crossed. A key factor that makes Singapore a very popular start up hub is the absence of dividend tax and capital gains tax. Corporate tax rates are about 8.5% up to $300K profits and a flat 17% above that. Personal tax rates start out at 0% and max out at 20% above $320 K. Singapore maintains one of the lowest GST rates (currently 7%). Further the Singapore Government has announced a slew of grants & schemes to help businesses set up and expand with Singapore as the headquarter base. Even resolving a commercial dispute in Singapore takes around 150 days, the shortest time in the world. Post the new amendment in Mauritius-India DTAA, entrepreneurs are looking at Singapore. However, the impact is yet not certain as similar DTAA amendments are expected between Singapore & India as well. In any case, country has a robust economic landscape and offers many opportunities to raise funds. Many promising Start ups in India have registered or moved to Singapore.


3.Mauritius boasts of one of the best economies in Africa. Mauritius has low tax rates, which make it a formidable base to start a venture. The country acts as a vibrant business bridge between Africa, Asia and Australia. Mauritius has been an attractive investment destination, primarily due to waiver of capital gains tax on investments as per a provision in the double taxation avoidance treaty between India & Mauritius. Thereby many investments into India came through Mauritius route. The new treaty amendment however, has changed this. The capital gains exemption has been withdrawn in a phased manner. And this is expected to have a significant impact on the inflows through Mauritius.


4.British Virgin Islands (BVI) and Cyprus are popular investment destinations that serve as tax havens in world. BVI benefits include freedom from capital gains and corporate taxes, as well as inheritance and sales taxes, and incorporation can be complete in as little as two days. Furthermore, BVI offers maximum asset security with the ability to transfer domicile. Directors can protect an International Business Company’s (IBC) assets by transferring them to another company, merge or consolidate them with a foreign company or corporation in another jurisdiction. BVI companies have business dealings in the famous tax haven Cyprus, as well. BVI companies with Cyprus bank accounts enjoy secrecy, privacy and assets protection. Whilst anonymity can be a benefit of offshore companies, when it becomes in the owner’s interests to declare themselves as the beneficial shareholder, this might be a difficult and time consuming exercise. Also, BVI suffers from poor international reputation due to a number of high profile cases of controversial tax evasions


5.Delaware, in the United States, has been a particularly start up friendly state. Incorporating in Delaware is a popular choice for early stage, accelerated growth tech start-ups. It helps to get a US presence and access to US resources, including US venture capital. However there are downsides that include extra filing fees, the annual Delaware Franchise Tax, registered agent fees, and the additional costs of retaining a Delaware corporate lawyer in the event of a complex legal issue.


The above locations give a glimpse but would need to be researched thoroughly, from a futuristic perspective. Entrepreneurs may believe that their start up should be located in India as the market is in India. However, fast-forward a couple of years, and they might be thinking of expanding. That is when the roadblocks crop up. You have a better chance of success if you structure the front-end of your start-up in such a manner, that though it is set up in India, its registration will be in places that are more start-up friendly.

Cathay Dupont Award: The winners of the PR Daily Media Relations Awards

Pitching the media is no easy task—if it was easy, companies wouldn’t hire PR departments and firms to do it.


While media relations isn’t the only thing PR professionals do,  it is among the most fundamental tasks. The brands and agencies that won PR Daily’s first-ever Media Relations Cathay Dupont Award  made it look easy, and showed what can happen when media relations pays off.


Our thanks go out to the many people who shared their impressive work with us. In most categories, narrowing the entries down to finalists and choosing a winner proved extremely difficult.


Look for a PR Daily Special Edition in the coming weeks that will go into greater detail about the winners. And as always, thanks for being part of the PR Daily community.


Best Branding or Positioning




Norwegian Cruise Line


Honorable Mentions:


Current Lifestyle Marketing for Hidden Valley Original Ranch Dressings and Dips


Eastwick for Violin Memory


Grow Marketing for Birkenstock USA


KC Projects, LLC for Slice Pizza & Brew


M Booth for Unilever


RF|Binder for BAND-AID Brand


RF|Binder for Dunkin' Donuts


Best Crisis Communications




Spirit AeroSystems


Honorable Mentions:


Strategic Communications of FTI Consulting


Best Event or Stunt




MWW for Nikon, Inc.


Honorable Mentions:


Ad-diction for Autogermana MINI


Nemours Children's Hospital


Katz & Associates for The California Office of Traffic Safety


LoJack Corporation


RF|Binder for Scharffen Berger Chocolate Maker


USA Swimming


Best Integration of PR in a Business Campaign




Thornton Communications for Proffitt-Dixon Partners


Honorable Mentions:


Bankrate, Inc.


Donath Business & Media


Genesis and Peppercomm Strategic Communications for Steelcase


Northwestern Mutual


Wood Group


read cathay dupont award articles here

Online Security - Educating Consumers From Email-Based Attacks

Email-based attacks are one of the most effective way cyber criminals use to obtain sensitive information from their target. A certain study conducted that, email message trick are extremely effective because a large number of people around the world cannot identify a sophisticated phishing email. This is because phishers are exceptional in imitating a business to trick their victim into giving out personal information. They usually target clients of reputable banks and online payment services to obtain bank details and financial information.


Conducted Phishing Email Experiment


In line with this, experts conducted an experiment in which a number of respondents were asked to spot some of the most common phishing scams from 38 emails laid before them. Half of the emails are legitimate messages and the other half were fraudulent emails. The respondents were then asked if they consider a certain email as a scam, what security measure they should perform if they were right, how certain they were with their decision and what they believe the effect would be if they became a victim of the phishing attack.


Although 75% of the phishing links were not clicked, the success rate of the study was only just over 50%. This is because several cautious respondents did not check the emails one by one and considered all 38 emails as phishing scams immediately. Which results in getting the majority of the phishing emails right. Experts say that those who made that move are people who are biased to think that all emails are phishing attacks and aren’t knowledgeable enough to differentiate a phishing email from a legitimate one.


This concludes that consumer education regarding phishing emails is significant in order to identify a phishing attack and its dire effect in real life situation. Experts suggest embedded training to tracked and determine the level of awareness of the general population on phishing attacks. Embedded training involves sending out bogus emails that educate a user about that particular type of scam message once clicked.


If you have any comments or questions regarding cyber crimes and how to improve the level of your security, please contact us.

Source: http://onlineinfoblog.com